29 June 2009

One's Treasure
The Ob(li)fious portfolio, which I have been compiling since my third year at Webster University, was in a messenger bag that was stolen earlier this month from an anti-profit coffee house in Portland. I am excited that the portfolio, a packed museum of notes, relics, nonlocal articles, paper topics scrawled on post-its losing their adhesive, and ideas for meetings and the collective, in general, was recycled back into the cosmos, so ideas can be born fresh again. I sincerely hope whoever has found it has found some use for it.

Please contribute.Ob(li)fious is a site intended for gathering together an active movement that seeks reassessment of traditional constructs and ideas through peaceful dialog, emphasizing the necessity of responding to concepts conveyed through various languages and media with our own language and media. The group promotes awareness and intelligent though not elitist dialog, rather than doctrine or dogma, and is driven by the idea that the world is invented by an array of people and ideas that are sometimes voiceless due to suppression or lack of an arena in which the voices can peacefully assemble and come to recognize a viable agreement. All perspectives are encouraged, as we seek information through careful research. The group will conduct its own research, which will be documented, synthesized, and explored through various creative projects that the group will determine autonomously and collectively. In accordance with the group's intention to share information freely, one of its outlets will be an independently published magazine, seeking neither notoriety nor profit.