23 November 2009

Notes on paper:

The "whoa" concept and the universal conversation: the materialization process of metaphor.

I will prove that all information is true, seeking to resolve conflicting stories and paradox, showing how, like puzzle pieces, the information exists to expose confusions, their sources, and a universe that is livable by and inclusive of everyone, thus deflating and dissolving behavior patterns that have proven to negatively impact others and the planet, proving that they are counterintuitive to growth and all life on the planet, although, as I shall also prove, necessary in themselves for the duration they served. I am aware of how ambitious this project seems, and one who assumes it is ambitious would be correct in that assumption. I am ambitious, as well as persistent, and I am attracting many who share in this ambitious, if lofty, goal, so that what is being constructed, by no means intended to be an imposition of a reality on everyone, is a product of people who share this level of commitment to creating a world we imagine for ourselves. And yet, I feel everything is exactly the way it has to be.

A proposal of a new paradigm, where, for example, there is nothing "wrong" or "right," calling in my thesis for a radical reinvention of language and government structures to reflect this statement.

Also, a study to discover how accurately the moral majority portrayed in the media represents an actual demographic.

1 comment:

College Paper Writing said...

Many institutions limit access to their online information. Making this information available will be an asset to all.