Organizational procedures, part 1Writing
Research and explorations are conducted by all collaborators, submitted pieces for publication are selected based on unanimous decision of the editors. Final revisions, after being reviewed by the editors, are entrusted to the publishing committee, which will oversee the sustained production of a magazine and/or website., a free-access blog website, may serve as a suitable medium for publication until the community decides otherwise.
EducationThe primary educational mission of this collaborative project is duplicitous: 1.
educate ourselves through intuitive experience and research; 2.
open our discoveries to dialog through publication and creative enterprise. Educating ourselves necessarily involves being receptive to persons who are not necessarily in socially acknowledged positions of authority or credibility.
In addition to publication, other means for engaging in education and dialogue will be decided upon and conducted by all members, which may include interactive performances, demonstrations, and exhibits.
GovernmentThe community will internally hold open dialog exploring its organizational structure that will give all persons operating by free will within it an environment that is comfortable and conducive to advanced learning processes.
The community will have full rights to rearrange its constitution, in keeping integrity to its ideals here set forth.