Is it possible to discover what the "mainstream" culture's perspective, goals, interests, and ideals are? Or is mainstream not people, but an artificial (i.e., designed, created, established, constructed) status quo based upon some convenient law of average, one which is constructed and maintained institutionally? I find it hard to believe that most people fed mainstream actually buy it because they like it; it seems more likely to me, rather, that the majority that buys into the presented mainstream does so because the alternative is discouraged, disdained, or believed (i.e., imagined, created, expressed, reinforced, experienced) as/"to be" unavailable. It seems unreasonable to accept, furthermore, that the section of the American population not subscribing to the allegedly mainstream culture, although a minority, perhaps, does not represent a significant percentage of the American population. It seems this population, however small, is to be properly assembled and organized, in order to be (self-) defined. Once it is defined, it seems that it will be easier for this multi-faceted tribe to expose the artifice of mainstream, if such a hypothesis turns out to be accurate. This project has the potential to organize and define this under-recognized class of Americans, as well as to expose the artifice of mainstream culture--in America, and potentially, where applicable, in the rest of the world. If this agenda is realized, we potentially possess the ability to make our own mainstream public, and possibly even threaten the survival of the present popular mainstream culture of ideas that define Reality for its "mainstream."
If the source of the stream stops pumping, will the fish seek us instead?
Recommended reading for paper topic:
Heath, Joseph and Andrew Potter. . . . Nation of Rebels: Why Counterculture Became Consumer Culture.
Hoffman, Abbie. . . .Steal This Book!
Niedzvieki, Hal. . . .Hello, I'm Special: How Individuality Became the New Conformity.